Buy packing factory in Germany NTN?
Buy packing factory in Germany NTN?
Chicago-based Berlin packaging manufacturer and distributor is expanding through another acquisition, buying a Canadian company specializing in packaging for the cannabis sector.
Berlin announced June 28 that it had acquired Markham, Ontario-based Cannasupplies, formerly a division of PharmaSystems Inc. Terms were not disclosed.
Cannasupplies will operate as a division of Bottle Consolidation Group, Canadian packaging supplier Berlin Packaging acquired in November 2020. All Cannasupplies employees and locations will be retained, according to the news release. of Berlin.
Bill Hayes, the CEO and President of Berlin Packaging said: “The acquisition of Cannasupplies helps Berlin Packaging take advantage of the incredible opportunities in this rapidly growing industry, not just in Canada, across the United States, as more and more states allow the medical and recreational use of marijuana," said in the release. "Cannasupplies shares our entrepreneurial mindset, our relentless drive for growth, and our commitment to tailored packaging solutions for our valued customers."
Berlin Packaging distributes glass, plastic, and metal containers sourced from over 900 suppliers. Although primarily a distributor, the company has plastic molding assets in Canada, through its November acquisition of Bottle Consolidation and in Europe, through its 2019 acquisition of the Novio rigid packaging group. , BV Group.